Online music education for everyone

Teach and learn music online

For Teachers

Interactive teaching

Music is about listening and playing. Create lessons, from scratch or with our available materials, that will keep your students engaged.

Adapt to students

Every teacher and every student is different. Get insight into your students' progress to fit the lesson materials to their needs and personal learning styles.

Practice makes perfect

Assign exercises for students to practice when they want, and have them play around with our standalone tools to learn by doing and stimulate their creativity.

For Students

Interactive learning

Enjoy a wide variety of courses created by our experts, that allow you to widen your musical knowledge on your own time, at your own pace.

Personalised content

Everyone has different learning styles. Increase your musical skills with personalised exercises that fit your level and personal preferences.

Learn by doing

Escape the confines of structured coursework by playing around with our standalone tools that allow you to be creative and discover something new.

Everyone is different

Learn with musical notation...

... Or without!

Sign up for the Beta

We are hard at work to create a beta version of the Caesura platform. If you would like us to let you know when we are ready to launch, you can sign up here. We would really appreciate your support!

If you'd like to contact us, please send a message to!